Saturday, April 14, 2012

M is for Marvelous...

M is for Marvelous...

I saw this car outside of Lowe's today. I have always liked cars even though I started driving later than most. I think this car is sleek and sexy. It reminds me of Batman... I think it's marvelous!

M is also for moving. We had a lot of errands yesterday and packed once we came home. So, packing made me forget my post. I promise to do better...



  1. Hello, Fellow Challenger, from #399 - aka Rockin'Chair Reflections! I love to move in my car but I'm not romantic about them. Couldn't care less about cars, just want them to get me from point A to point B. Usually, trade them in when they reach a little over 240,000 miles... But, these look lovely.

  2. Ooh, that's a sweet car. Good luck with the moving.

  3. I think they are cool. I have never driven a car that long. 240 miles, wow! I am doing my best to drive the one I have now for at least 150k. That will be a first for me. LOL!

    Thanks Jaycee! I know isn't it sweet? I didn't get to see who was driving it though. LOL! Maybe it was Batman... Ha!

    Thanks for stopping by my bog!


  4. I really know nothing about cars, but I do know when something is cool!

    Nice post, making it happen...
    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    A to Z Co-Host
    My New Book:
    Retro-Zombie: Art and Words

  5. I would love to have a car like that! My dream hobby is antique cars (esp. from the Brass Age), if I ever have that kind of money, time, and space!

  6. Thanks for the smile Stacey :)

    I was thinking the car looked a bit like a Bonnie and Clyde getaway vehicle. LOL!

    I hope the moving process is going well, and you have plenty of mates helping you out.

    Sweet Blessings, KC
