Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holiday Season... Don't stop believing!

Any one who has been around me most of my life knows that I LOVE gifts. I usually celebrate my birthday the entire month and maybe even a few days after. The older I get the more excited I’ve become about Christmas. Any given year, I could be seen dancing when I opened my gifts on Christmas morning. This year has been entirely different.  

We moved in August from Pennsylvania to North Carolina. It was something I had always wanted to do. However, it wasn’t until God provided us an opportunity that we were able to cease the moment. Despite how corny it may sound, everyday since then has become more than I could ever receive on my birthday and under the tree on Christmas. What did I ask for this year on my birthday? Nothing. What did I ask for this year for Christmas? Nothing.
Does that mean I’m above accepting gifts? NO! I’m always ready for a gift but for the first time I feel like I have everything that I need. We haven’t been here for long but the change has been good for us. It’s been amazing for our spirit. We both are so happy to be here that we embrace each day more fully than the last.  Some of what we’ve been blessed with I haven’t shared publically. I don’t like when people brag so I don’t want to come off that way. What I will say is God has surely been smiling on us.

If you’re tired of me talking about this move, I guess you should stop reading my blog for a while. LOL! I can’t apologize for my happiness and this move is a great part of it. So, I can’t help but talk and write about it. I was happy before we moved here but this new chapter in our lives is something short of amazing!

I hope everyone has a blessed holiday season and is ready to have a wonderful 2012. Find something that keeps you motivated, and inspired. You can find it in small things as easily as you can in big things. You might not need a new address or career, but find whatever “it” is that will inspire your tomorrow to be even more fabulous than today! Love life and live fully.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Minister Steve - ON TIME GOD - - Download Underground House and Electronic Music in WAV and MP3 format

Minister Steve just released a Gospel House EP on Traxsource. I hope that it blesses you during this holiday season and thereafter. He's working on many things at the close of this year and making sure that he continues to work hard to spread the word of God through both his actions and through song. This EP has a different sound but offers the same blessing. It's a reflection of his versatility and confidence.

With a new year rolling in make sure you begin setting goals for your life and work to achieve them. If you only completed some goals this year, then add them to your new list for 2012. Sometimes things come at God's pace and not ours. As a result, we decide to quit rather than continue our efforts. We have to remain steadfast. We must keep the faith, remain diligent, and watch favor abound. I pray that your holiday season and 2012 are wonderfully blessed!

Thank you for your continuous and consistent support!! Click the link below to buy Minister Steve's entire EP or one of the singles. Thanks!

Minister Steve - ON TIME GOD - - Download Underground House and Electronic Music in WAV and MP3 format

Friday, December 9, 2011

Almost the end of the year...

I can't believe that it's almost 2012. So many changes have occurred and I welcome all of them. 2011 has been a wonderful year and I know that 2012 is going to be even better. I am so excited to see the things that I know are waiting for me. I am ready to embrace it all.

I am still writing diligently but due to a few things I've modified some of the goals on my list. I set goals for being published in 2011 but that will not happen until next year. I am not disappointed because I know it will happen when God says so. All I want to do is write and I'm doing that as much as I can. I will be ready when it happens because the manuscripts are complete. I love also that ideas are still flowing for new stories. I can't write fast enough. LOL! Moving to NC was my focus this year and it has been the best move for us. Each day that I wake up in NC I am reminded of how once you set goals for your life, they do happen. It took some time and life changes for us to get here, but we made it. Ain't God good?

I am still working with Minister Steve as he completes his album, "Acoustically Anointed," which will be released on our label, Soulful Soundz Music Group, LLC early next year. His voice blends with the amazing music ability of Martin Dominguez Ball. The marriage of the two (his voice and Martin's musical composition) is insanely magical. We'll be releasing another single, "I Surrender All," soon. We have also established some great connections to help us get his music ministry to the next level. Minister Steve will be working on his sophomore project and it will be a blessing to your spirit, as his first one will be.

I am still doing book reviews so contact me if you'd like to discuss your need for a review. I'll review most genre including those I don't generally read.  However, I don't read anything that promotes any of the  isms... racism, antisemitism, etc. I do reviews on e-books and traditional books. I look forward to hearing from authors.

Again I say that I'm truly amazed that 2011 went by so quickly. However, I'm standing tall waiting to see the blessings that are going to rain down during 2012. "When you believe you shall receive..." These are the words I now live by. Until next time my friends... SHINE!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My life's not perfect but it's a life guided by faith...

I haven’t written a post in a few months. I’m still trying to get acclimated to North Carolina and our life here. I have a lot to say but wasn't sure if this was the forum to share it. I decided to take a chance on that today. There’s a lot going on but it’s more so inside of me than environmentally. I don’t want to sound as if I have a life of perfection. I DON’T. I have a life of faith, which makes it appear that way. 

I have been in places where I never wanted to be. I’ve survived things that I didn’t think I would. Nothing like addiction or abuse but things that I had to go through to get where I am.  So, now it’s a chapter that I have embraced fully and things affect me differently. I want to stand on top of the mountaintop and scream daily how grateful I am.  I don’t but I do pray and tell God more than once a day how grateful I am.
I’m thankful for the pain I’ve gone through because I know I wouldn’t be me today.  I hated it with every fiber of my being when I was going through it. However, I now better understand its purpose. I in no way live a perfect life. There are a few things that I’m lacking but because I’ve been through worse sometimes I don’t even notice. 

My problems are the same as others but I have learned the art of seeing the good in the bad. When faced with loss I will allow myself to grieve and not give myself an expiration date on the way I feel. Death is another thing all together. However, when I am tossed things from here and there I give myself a few minutes to be annoyed and then I have to move on. I haven’t figured out how to deal with inconsiderate drivers. I don’t have road rage but they know how to increase my blood pressure. Remember… I’m not perfect!

Wisdom and faith have carried me to a better place. I am not trying to push religion on anyone. It’s what is best for me. My relationship with God is powerful. I asked Him, the last time I was in the valley, “Please just help me get through this, Lord. If you help me, I will promise to never look back.” I know you’re not supposed to bargain with God. He is not a man.  I did. I am human so I did what I needed to do at the time. It has aided my growth because I have to keep my promise. As always, He kept His.

My Nana used to say, and my mother still says, “When I tell you about the goodness of Jesus!” That’s what I’m living. In life you have to find your place.  Jesus, God, G-d, Jehovah, or whatever you call Him, is for me. You have to find what is best for you. We all have trying times, some more than others, but once you get through them you MUST grow. If you don’t every trial and pain will be the same with no lesson learned. Find what is best for you to aid in your healing and daily living. 

Pond Punkies Book Two by Lisa Riebe

I had the pleasure of reviewing another book written by Lisa Riebe. This book is a science fiction book for ages 7-10. If you have a young reader interested in this genre this is definitely worth picking up for them. It's a series with book three on the way. 

Book two “The Unearthing,” picks back up at the same pace of book one and never slows down. The end of the story will increase the reader’s excitement about the third book. The story draws you in from the very beginning when Blaze is faced with dreams involving his sister. The dreams are vivid and he feels she is at risk. He faces the task of finding his sister. No one suggests he goes but he knows that he should. His father is against him leaving to search for her, but Blaze and his best friend, Ace set out on another adventure. It isn’t bad enough that they just saved Earth from destruction now they have to go and rescue more people.

Blaze sets out to look for his sister and continue his efforts to save those being bullied by the Tritonans. While out on this journey, his friends find out that there is a plot to destroy another plant far from Earth.  Along the journey to find his sister, Blaze and his friend Ace come across Tadd. I like how the characters show empathy and kindness to Tadd while also helping build his self-esteem. Through this friendship and their quest to protect the others, basic character building skills are reflected. There are sprinkles of happiness, kindness and love throughout the book. It’s as subtle as sneaking vegetables in a finicky child’s food. As your young reader gets lost in this fast paced science fiction read they learn about the power of friendship and kindness.

It's a great addition to the classroom and home libraries. It's a fun book.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Review of Chill Run by Russell Brooks

Russell Brooks afforded me the opportunity to read his new book, Chill Run, which is due to be released in December 2011. I was asked to review the book and was not compensated for my review. I give this book five stars! 
Chill Run is an interesting fast paced thriller. I read the book in a few hours, as I was eager to see what happened at the end. It was a thrilling page-turner that grabbed my attention from the first few pages. The book was written in English with a little French sprinkled in which I felt added to the mysteriousness of the book.

Chill Run is about an aspiring author, Eddie Barrow, Jr., who sets out on a
scheme to acquire fifteen minutes of fame. Eddie wants to become an author by any means necessary and sets out to do so by creating a publicity stunt with a celebrity that includes S & M. With the plans set in place, Eddie dons his leather outfit to begin the night of S & M with the celebrity he’s planning to set up. When he gets to where the scene is set to unfold, Eddie is thrown into a world that’s unknown to him. The joke, albeit a murderous one, is now on him. He becomes involved in a dark world that provides him with more than the fifteen minutes of fame he was seeking. He's tossed into a world of darkness where he and his best friend are accused of murdering his wealthy client that he witnessed being murdered. Eddie’s zealousness put him in the wrong place at the wrong time now it’s up to him to get out of the situation they've found themselves in.

Thrust into a world of corruption and armed with newly acquired knowledge of a billion dollar fraud scheme, Eddie gets his fame when their faces end up on the front page of all of the newspapers, and plastered on every news channel in Canada and the USA. At each point in the book when you thought you knew what was going to happen next, Brooks' storytelling ability took the story into an entirely different direction.

If you like reading thrillers and mysteries this is the book for you. It is well written. The characters and situations seem real. I highly recommend this book to readers interested in this genre. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

Up for conversation....

Today I posted something on Twitter that I don't usually. I tweet for fun not controversy. I have no time for drama in my life. However,  I had been watching the news and every other person arrested was of color. I became angered and tweeted the need to make changes in the #blackcommunity. I intended to tweet a few things on my mind but was challenged by a response. I was accused of isolating the problem by calling it a problem within the #blackcommunity. What I tweeted is very real. All children need our help, that's absolutely true. However, children within the #blackcommunity don't realize that they have positive role models who are working jobs that are attainable. In their eyes, only athletes and entertainers are successful. Nothing is further from the truth.

This blog is not to apologize but further explain what I was unable to in 140 characters. Bottom line... Our children in the U. S. have fallen far behind those in other countries academically. A number of children in impoverished areas enter the arena already behind on the first day of kindergarten. Therefore, they fall further behind if no one pays attention to their needs. Their illiteracy, drug use and teen parenting creates a problem in all of our communities. You may not share the same block with someone that goes out to rob a house or steal a car. Yet it doesn't mean it won't be your house that gets robbed or your car won't be taken. If we don't educate these children we will pay to house them in jails, pay for healthcare for their children, and many other things that come with them being uneducated and poor. It costs less to teach them basic life skills than to try and rehabilitate them later. Substance abuse is a problem as well. There is evidence daily how this affects all communities so there is no need for me to reiterate it. Like disease and poverty, drug addiction does not discriminate. It affects families across the world.

I focused my tweet on the #blackcommunity not to ignore other groups of people but to bring attention to what I am trying to understand. Children need to be encouraged to love and believe in themselves. We need mentors and neighbors to be positive role models in the #blackcommunity. It doesn't negate the fact that there are problems within other communities. It does, however, focus on a community that I can somewhat understand. I am not embarrassed to say that my beginnings were humble. Yet my parents managed to expose us to things and people that encouraged us all to do better and want more. I always say, "Poverty in the suburbs is different than poverty in the projects!" I grew up in the suburbs of Upstate NY where poverty was different. There was no criminal behavior, minimal drug use and no gang activity. My shade of poor was clearly different from those children in rural ares with inner-city ills. Poverty was there but the dark side of it wasn't which is why I said, "I understand somewhat," in reference to the community not the people. My blackness I love and understand totally.

Some, in my neighborhood, excelled more than others but we all managed to succeed within our own rights. Life has become hard to survive with a college degree and has become almost impossible to live with simply a high school diploma and no trade. However, teaching children the importance of education allows them to think outside of the box thus creating a legal means of employment. Even if a child doesn't have a traditional career their owning a diploma catapults them further than the one that doesn't. Without a diploma, McDonald's won't even hire you. It's simple as that.

We need to encourage our children to open a book. We need to encourage our children to become successful. We need to inform them that they are worthy and deserve a comfortable life. A lot of successful people were told they couldn't be "somebody," but they only needed one person to tell them different. That one person, or a few, drowned out the noise from those trying to deter them and they excelled. They should look up to entertainers who are positive not just flashing drugs, money and material things. They try and emulate rappers who've become successful despite their boxers showing and who have changed their zip codes, but not their negative behaviors. There's a teacher, coach, garbage man, mailman, laborer and custodial worker who has never gone to jail, sold drugs, or committed a crime that deserves some adoration. They are successful without the cars, money and drugs to reflect their achievements.

The bottom line is that we in the #blackcommunity need to change our focus. It's imperative that we encourage our children to acquire their education. Everyone can't go to college for one reason or another but a diploma or GED is within reach. The time is NOW to teach our young girls that they deserve more than they are receiving from their boyfriends. Once we teach them their value we increase their esteem with the hope of preventing teen pregnancy. They'll begin to understand that they deserve more than has been shown to them. So whether its the #blackcommunity, #whitecommunity or #hispaniccommunity (and all others!) we need to talk to our children. Not just the children you claim on your taxes but the ones you interact with. Make every interaction count! We either take care of them now or be forced to later when they are living in a small cell learning new ways to terrorize society. It's that simple... we need to make changes instead of turning our heads and passing the blame.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A change in address resulted in further change in me...

Today I woke up to a gorgeous North Carolina blue sky! I've done it before but only when vacationing here. Now I live here so the experience is somewhat different. I don't know what it is about NC that brings me great peace. It makes me feel like I'm on vacation away from the craziness of the world. I've longed to live here for about ten years and now I am. I have been thanking God for answering my silent prayers.

It was never the right time to relocate here. It was always off in the distance as I went on with everyday living in NY, NJ and PA. It seemed as if it would be one of those things I'd never get to experience. Now that it's here I can hardly breathe.

Life is a journey and although we lay out detailed plans sometimes we miss the mark. I don't know what's in store for us here but it's definitely going to be a hit!! I stepped off the plane in North Carolina ten years ago knowing life would lead me back here for good. The journey wasn't easy but I'm finally here establishing memories on the first pages of my new chapter of life.

Today I step out under the North Carolina sky a better person and appreciate the move more than I would have ten years ago. Realizing now that although I wanted to be here years ago,  I was right where God needed me to be living in PA and working in NJ. I needed to learn some of the greatest lessons that I learned in NJ to become the person I've embraced. I was preparing for this new chapter. Now I see that clearly.

I'm a stronger person poised to embrace all that this state has to offer. My confidence is reflected in my stride. This is the place where I'll flourish and achieve the goals I've set for myself. Each day I'll strive to be better, to do better, to love harder, and be kinder. Each day I live will be an extension of my gratefulness. My spirit will be full of the wisdom I acquired along the previous chapters of my life.

I want to be a light in the life of others. I want to shine daily in all that I do. The ones who worked diligently to dim my lights in the past only brightened what they tried to destroy. I don't hate them for their efforts because they made me better!! They tried to break me but with fervent prayer and faith, I survived and grew. I now know this change of address will create further change in me. I'm still breathless and grateful beyond words.

North Carolina help me shine...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

God is moving in my life!!

So many things have been going on in my life. I apologize for not keeping in touch. I've had a crazy work schedule which has now ended. I resigned in an effort to relocate to North Carolina in a few weeks. I am beyond excited about this leap of faith. People expressed anxiety for me and the changes I've made. There's no need for concern. Everything I've always done has been initiated with a leap of faith. I have no worries because I know that this is where the next chapter of my life is supposed to occur. God opened the door and I walked through. Now I'm poised for the new direction of my journey.

Minister Steve and I started our own record label. It's a great feeling when you accomplish goals you jotted down on paper a few months ago. Our label is Soulful Soundz Music Group, LLC. We released Minister Steve's single, "Tis so Sweet," on July 29th under our label. This single is just the beginning for us and all God has in store for us. Minister Steve is working on completing his album, "Acoustically Anointed." It'll include some of his favorite traditional songs with acoustic flair. This feeling is amazing as I watch the project come to life!

Minister Steve is working with the talented Martin Dominguez Ball on this project. I can't say enough about Martin. He is an amazing guitarist, composer and great friend. He also designed the album cover which I can't stop staring at. I love it!! Every step of this project has been made with love. People who have played a part have been exceptional from the touch ups of the photos by Aja Peru Photography( to the mixing by engineer Michael Hemberger of the Stitz Recording Studio in Hackettstown, NJ. God placed people in my life at the right time for the right reasons and they have assisted me through this season in my life. I am beyond grateful for all of them.

I am in the process of moving but will be working to get Minister Steve the airplay he deserves. There's nothing wrong with good Gospel music. His ministry needs to be shared and I'm going to do all that I can to assist him. Please buy his single, "Tis so Sweet..." Praise guaranteed.

Thanks to everyone for your support! Recommend it to a friend and please do a review on the site where you bought it (iTunes, Amazon, Rhaposdy, CD Baby, etc...)

Friday, July 29, 2011

New single released...

Minister Steve released a single on our new label... Soulful Soundz Music Group. Tis so Sweet will be a blessing to your spirit!! Available on iTunes, CD Baby etc....

Friday, June 24, 2011

Minister Steve

Gospel House Cafe 6/25/11
Every First Friday 07/01/11

Minister Steve's events...

Just a quick email to remind everyone about the Gospel House Cafe this Saturday. Minister Steve will be ministering with Susu Bobien at the cafe which is at 128 Irvington Avenue in South Orange, NJ. It's going to be a great time. He'll also be ministering at "Every First Friday," in Newark, NJ on July 1st. It's at 164 Market Street in the 3rd Floor loft at 8pm. It's a monthly Christian meet and greet where you can bring your business cards and your praise!! Pastor Asaph Womack is hosting the event. We hope to see you there taking advantage of this unique networking event. It's a great place to interact with like-minded people!
The main event occurring in his life musically is another example of God's supreme favor, the release of his single, "Tis so Sweet..." which is off of his new album "Acoustically Anointed." It is due to be released in the next few weeks whereas the album is scheduled to be released in the fall... Be on the lookout! The single will be available on iTunes, Amazon and other online retailers.
Minister Steve is thankful for God's favor and am grateful that he can share it with you. Our supporters are very important to us. We look forward to seeing you at my events and blessing your ears with praise!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kicking off the summer at the Gospel House Cafe...

Come out to the all white affair that is set to kick off the summer over Memorial Weekend! Minister Steve will be ministering some of his favorite songs. In addition, his twin nieces are celebrating their 21st birthday while one of the hosts, Darryl 'DJ DReal' Stewart will be celebrating his wedding anniversary! It's going to be a night of praise and celebration! You're off Monday so stop on by!!

- Posted using BlogPress from Stacey's iPhone. Thanks for the support!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Exclusive leak: Minister Steve's single is on the way...

Minister Steve’s music ministry is an extension of God’s favor in his life. He has taken traditional hymns bringing along a new style commanding your soul to embrace his praise allowing it to become yours. Minister Steve’s debut album on the Soulful Sounds Music Group record label is titled, “Acoustically Anointed.”  He took songs that we grew up on and created stunning renditions of his powerful praise. His first single is “Tis’ so Sweet,” where he is accompanied by Martin Dominguez Ball and his guitar. It will be available on iTunes, Amazon and other online stores soon. Make sure you follow my posts so you'll know when its available for purchase... thanks for your support!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Five star book review for Russell Brooks...

I received a request via email to review Unsavory Delicacies by Russell Brooks. He said he found my blog and saw that I reviewed books for authors. I was not compensated for this review in anyway and was honored that he contacted me. I appreciate the opportunity to help an author. It's because of their talent that my desire to read is so great!

I'm not a fan of short stories because I always yearn for more of the story to complete it. However, these stories were well written and didn’t leave me searching for more than were given. They did make me not want them to end. Mr. Brooks is a great storyteller...

In To The Last Bite we're introduced to a food critic who makes a living providing negative reviews on every restaurant he visits. His readers yearn for his negativistic reviews salivating for more of them. Periodically he painfully drops a positive review but it's the negative reviews that keep his business afloat. One day he visits a French restaurant where the meal is delightful and the owner is familiar. He provides a savory review and his pallet is not the same thereafter. The food that he ate at the restaurant never leaves his tongue and thoughts of the owner never do either.
The chef from the restaurant shows up at his home unexpectedly to offer him another meal shifting this story into an unfamiliar and creepy place.

In Crem Brûlée we are introduced to a young beautiful vivacious woman who uses her assets to acquire the things she desires. Just as she leaves a dinner with her most recent conquest she hears shots ring out killing him. Thrust into a whirlwind of danger, Monique finds that her looks won't help her out of this situation. The story makes twists and turns quickly with a surprise ending.

In the final story, Shashlyk and Morozhenoe, Ridley Fox goes undercover posing as an inspector looking for bad meat. Unbeknownst to Ridley and his cohorts, they are being watched by the Russian mafia. He contacts Dobbs but isn't sure if they can hold out until his arrival. As the secrets unfold Ridley finds a few that surprise him.

Together these three short stories make up three tales focusing on revenge. They were well written, clear and understandable. The author painted clear, vivid pictures allowing the reader to get lost in each story...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A new month...

A new month is here bringing along with it some of the craziest weather I've ever seen. It makes you just stand in awe sometimes. I'm glad I'm here to witness the wonder. It truly is amazing.

I'm working on a big project with Minister Steve. God is moving in our lives. When you step out on faith it's amazing what God will do...

I will be making some announcements soon. I'm not one to speak about things before they come to fruition. I don't want to appear as if I'm just talking especially when I'm putting things into action. I'm still working on my writing projects. I am just trying hard to work toward reaching all of my goals. It will all come together. Faith.

I will keep you posted on the progress of the projects that I have with Minister Steve and my other projects. Be on the lookout and thanks always for your continued support...

God is and I am because He is.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Thanks for your support- Stacey~

Friday, March 25, 2011

Gospel House Cafe...

Minister Steve's ministering in South Orange, NJ tomorrow... Come out and dance for the Lord! We'll be at the IRBY Dance Center at 128 Irvington Avenue from 6-10 pm.

The point...

What is the purpose of Posterous, really. Is it beneficial? Just wondering...

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Minister Steve is working on some things in the studio that will reflect his amazing versatility. There will be no auto-tune either! All anointing and blessed by God! Some singles are on the way... Lets go!!

Minister Steve...

Minister Steve will be in Warwick, New York this Saturday ministering to people who came to honor six women from this town. He is looking forward to this amazing event.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This fire...

I woke up this morning with a fire inside of me. Nothing spectacular happened it was just a normal day yesterday. But I made it through! Some things came up at work that in the past I would have challenged but instead I said, "Okay."

I am not going to struggle for power when I know where the real power lies. A few years back I was in this valley that came at me from the left. But what came from the right was the power that supersedes all other power. So now I can stand tall and face those who want to direct me to do this or that. I have mastered the phrase, "No problem!" Truthfully, after where I've been it isn't. I also know that I won't be doing this job much longer because I know what God has for me. I feel it in my spirit.

The crazy thing is that this job is cool. Sometimes it becomes challenging but it's one of the best jobs I've ever had. I'd put it in the top five! Problem is my heart and eyes are facing in another direction. God is all over my life showing glimpses of what's to come. That's where my ease comes from when dealing with my colleagues because I own this faith that has shown me highlights of what's on the way.

So I'll start my day knowing I'm not where I want to be... Yet! However, I am exactly where I'm supposed to be until God takes me to that level. The level where things come full circle. It's difficult being patient but I'll fervently pray for more. God is so that I am.

I don't make any apologies for the tone of this post if you're following and aren't a faithful or spiritual person. This is my journey and I invite anyone on this road with me. It isn't the high road it's just the right road for me. Just know sometimes I have to talk about the fire in me because it has power that prevents me from holding my peace...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Thanks for your support- Stacey~

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday morning blues...

I'm dragging this morning. Exhausted knowing that I went to bed early enough. I had a busy weekend because it was Jen's birthday. I did get some rest though. It makes me wonder if I've just had enough of the same stuff at work. I enjoy the job but it isn't what I want any more for my future. Could that be the exhaustion that I feel? Possibly.

When your heart no longer accompanies you to work that's a problem. I love the idea of being a social worker and all that comes with it. I just think I've finished this course in my life. I will always help people but the angle I come from will be different. I need to get back in tune with my writing and put all of these ideas on paper. And the ideas on paper I need to finally share. I need to step my game up and fight through the exhaustion that accompanies a long commute.

If I want change I have to bring change to my situation. It can be done. I've seen others make that change. I want to feel what it's like to "love" what I do again. I will work as a social worker until God gives me an opportunity to do different. I see it. I know it. I just need to finish preparing for it. I can't miss out on what God has planned for me.

Its time for me to stop wasting time. I am tired but I know how to fight through it and today I have my boxing gloves on. Laced up and ready for the victory that awaits. This isn't the fight of my life but it is the one that will bring change to my life!
I'm bringing faith with me so I know I'll win... stand up!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Thanks for your support- Stacey~

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A new day...

A new day brings many opportunities. I'm falling behind in my writing goals and am going to do better in my time management. What makes it hard is that I commute so far to work and am exhausted by the time I get home.
I have to fit in my writing. I love writing lyrics and books. I have to do more so that I can go in the direction that God has designed for me. Focused!!

I vow on this new day to do better. I will write so that I can reach my 2011 goals. I am going to publish my manuscripts and at least one of my songs will be performed by Minister Steve. It's out in the universe so it shall be...

Just a thought...

Tomorrow is Jen's 36th birthday. We had a great day shopping in Cherry Hill. For a country that is "so broke" the mall was full. I went to the Short Hills Mall last week and couldn't even park. We had to sit in the car waiting for Steven to do what he needed in the mall. We never got a spot. I got one of the few spots left in the Cherry Hill lot today. All I can say is that it looks like the folks in NJ aren't as broke as they say they are or they all got their income tax checks back... Makes you wonder!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone Thanks for your support- Stacey~


After fiddling around I guess I have all of my sites connected to We will see what happens. I am going to post from two different sites in order to support my blog as well as Minister Steve's. Lets enjoy the ride...

Minister Steve...

I am working trying to figure out this site. I want to introduce you all to Minister Steve. He is an aspiring Gospel artist from Newark, NJ who wants to share His music ministry with the world. It doesn't matter if you go to church weekly or not at all. His voice will move you...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sorry for the delay...

Sorry for not doing a December blog or even a Happy New Year blog. I have been trying to decide what direction my blog needs to go in. I love doing book reviews but don't want to post only when I do a review. Also, my focus has changed to include my songwriting and managing Minister Steve.

So the thinking continues as to where this blog needs to go. I don't want to start another blog because that would be my third one. Time gets in the way of posting on the two I already have so a third might definitely be neglected.

I ask that you bear with me but I think the focus will change to include all three things that I have been focused on: songwriting, music management and publishing. I just want to discuss things that are close to my heart.

So the title of my blog may change but the contents will vary and not be focused solely on one thing. I wish all of you well and hope your new year is blessed and prosperous. Looking forward to blogging again.

Apple has an app for blogging so I might just post a lot since I can do it from my new love-- my iPhone. Lol! Be well... And see you soon!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone