We are snowed in again. Some guys stopped by and shoveled our sidewalk, walkway, driveway and cleaned off our cars. Now it looks as if they never showed up. I remember it snowing like this in the 70's and the news reminds me that there was a blizzard in 1996. I remembered that one after they mentioned it. I have images of being stranded on the NJ Turnpike in an attempt to get back home one winter and am grateful that I am hunkered down in the house today with my partner enjoying the snow!
I am amazed that so much snow can fall at one time. It stopped earlier today around eleven o'clock and now it is coming down with a vengeance! They have closed down three major highways in the Philadelphia area which has never happened. The only highway open is Route 95 and the troopers are out ready to give tickets to people who shouldn't be out driving. I drove on 95 South lastnight on my way home from work and it was quite an anxious thirty minutes for me. So, I have no interest in going back out into it. Especially since we are in the second phase of the storm which has changed from a winter storm warning to a blizzard warning.
A friend of mine in Philly sent me a text saying that she has cabin fever. Me, I am enjoying being snowed in. When I was younger I needed to run around but the older I become I appreciate the time I have in my home. Maybe it is also because times have changed. Years ago we didn't have computers and there was no such thing as ordering movies on the television, or playing an iPod through a Bose sound system. Maybe those changes have affected my desire to stay in the house. I don't know what it is nor do I even care... I am just glad I have found amazing comfort in my home.
*The photo on the left was taken this morning before our yard was shoveled and the one on the right was taken after it was shoveled this afternoon...
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